Early this morning I had cause to observe the parking lot of a Target store near where I work, and I simply had to write about it :
There was a line as far as the eye could see of people standing and sitting in line to get into this store. Because it was cold, raining and a long wait until opening time, many of these people brought folding chairs, blankets, coats, and even umbrellas.
Over the several minutes I took in this sight, I could hear the dull roar of idle chatter, which was occassionaly pierced by loud, imbecilic laughter. Moments later, a sudden hush came over the assembled group. I could hear a muffled voice overcome the silence, which was then immediately followed by riotous applause, screams and whistling. Interesting.
I couldn't help but wonder what would possess a person to spend 14 hours in the cold rain in order to purchase discount Chinese electronics manufactured by corporate slaves in a Communist nation. Avarice. Decadence. A religion of worshipping baubles.
Quit being a consumer and start being a human. If you find yourself mindlessly applauding the opening of a store like some intoxicated primate, you need to realize you have a problem with consumerism and trinket-lust. Fix it.
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